Pois bem, o enrendo todos vocês já conhecem, e as músicas também... a pequena sereia vasculha naufrágios e alimenta uma curiosidade incrível por conhecer os seres humanos, pois só conhece seus "tesouros" (coisas bonitas, belas que ele produz). Até que vê um navio passando, soltando "Fireworks" (ô musiquinha CHATA da Katy Perry), com música e danças rolando e um belo cachorro (que nos lembra a "Priscila", TV Colosso). O que me chamou a atenção desta vez é que se trata de uma "Sweet Little Sixteen" que se apaixona por um cara adulto e resolve com ele se casar, inclusive dispondo-se a se tornar humana pra sempre em função disso. Bom... uma sereia menor de idade virando humana por uma ilusão amorosa me lembra aquela porra chamada "Crespúsculo" um certo enredo "teen" de uma menina de 17 anos que se apaixona do nada por um cara de 100 anos de idade e deseja virar vampira para consumar o FATO. Tiozão de 100 anos com adolescente não seria pedofilia? rs... deixa pra lá, vai... sou um cara CHATO, eu sei! Ao menos a "Bella" é vegetariana... e me deixa feliz minha suspeita de que a Pequena Sereia também seja!
Terminada a projeção, cumpri o protocolo tirei ainda uma ou outra foto na Walk of Fame. Encontro com Jamie Foxx (peace and love) e foto junto à estrela de ninguém menos que ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER! (compositor de musicais consagrados, como CATS e PHANTOM OF THE OPERA)
Voltei pra Hollywood Boulevard. Fui ao Hardo Rock Café buscar contato com a caravana brazuca para tentar combinar de assistir junto ao UFC... nada. Já estava escuro e resolvi, então, caminhar até a Santa Monica Boulevard, onde descobri que passa o ônibus 4, que vai DIRETO praticamente até a praia. Mas o trajeto é meio demorado (cruza Beverly Hills inteira, passando inclusive pela Rodeo Drive)... e além disso, tava DIFÍCIL encontrar na Third Street Promenade algum bar com transmissão do UFC! Achei um mexicano... "Cabo Cantina". Cheguei a tempo de assistir a luta entre Forret Griffin e Rich Franklin, que achei bem monótona (muito ground & pound), com vitória do Griffin. Para a luta Silva x Belfort, resolvi ir pra fora do bar, assistindo da entradinha... sem muvuca e com ângulo melhor de visão pras VÁRIAS (talvez 10) TVs. 3 minutos de luta... e nada. Um chute bem dado (aprendido com Steven Seagal???) e o nocatute! Cinematográfico, por sinal! Em poucos minutos, o bar esvaziou-se. E eu fui pra 4th Street, onde descobri o ônibus 3 da "Big Blue Bus" (pois eu digo que cada vez eu encontro uma nova empresa de ônibus aqui por L.A. Isso confunde a gente bastante!)
De LAX peguei o 232. Parada estratégica no Mickie Finzz, onde pedi gentilmente à garçonete um dos posters que eles tinham pendurados... E CONSEGUI! Souvernir OFICIAL do evento! Aqui, guardadinho com carinho (de repente eu consigo também os dos próximos).
MUITO obrigado, e agora vou dormir... me poupar pra amanhã, que é dia de SUPER BOWL!
Hey, ho... February 5... ONE MONTH completed since I arrived at Los Angeles... and it was alsothe day of UFC 126... "Silva Belfort"... the fight that they were saying would be the "Fight of the Century"! I´ll take about it after... cause I woke up, got ready and decided to go to Hollywood. First stop: Pantages Theater. Without any show playing now (the next is "Sprinc Awakening", taking place on February 8), there was no line for the Ticket Office and soon I bought my ticket for "Rock of Ages", February 26, a day before Oscar. Second stop: El Capitan Theatre! Very traditional theater of 20´s, used to be the place for Hollywood great premiéres (Citizen Kane, for example) and recently was acquired by Disney, which uses it for great animations premiéres and classics. Playing now: "The Little Mermaid". I was only 10 minutes to 2pm session. I don´t know why, I thought that the score would be performed alive... obviously it wasn´t. But I was surprised with an actress and "bubbles" after the opening of curtains, before the movie beginning, interpreting Arial and making a kind of "overture" (and telling us that it was the 5th anniversary of "Rachel"... lol) Well, the plot all of you already know, and the songs too... the little mermaid crawl shipwrecks and has a great curiosity to know humans, cause she only know their "treasures" (beautiful things that they (we) produce). Then she sees a ship passing through, dropping "Fireworks" (Katy Perry bothers me), with music and dancing going on, and a beautiful dog. But this time, I realizes that she is a "Sweet Little Sixteen" who falls in love for an adult man and decides to marry him, even being willing to become human forever. Well .. a child mermaid turning into a human because of illusion love reminds me that shit called "Twilight" a story about a "teen"-17 year old girl who falls in love for a 100 years old man! And she wants to bcome a campire only for this! A "grangrandfather" 100 years old with a teenager would not be pedophilia? lol... OK... I'm a boring guy, I know! At least "Bella" is a vegetarian ... and makes me happy my suspicion that the Little Mermaid is also! After the projection, as always I took even one or two shots in the Walk of Fame. Meeting with Jamie Foxx (peace and love) and still image together to star none other than ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER (Cats and Phantom of the Opera composer)! It was still early, so I decided to walk over only one subway station and reached the "Universal City"! Very interesting this last minute decision. Leaving the station there is a shuttle that leaves us at the gate of Universal Studios! And we don´t need to enter the theme park to have a little fun: outside is the "City Walk", a group of stores, restaurants, a Hard Rock Cafe and even movie theaters (including IMAX) of "Del AMO ". Very interesting and beautiful... has even specific stores in the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Los Angeles / Oakland Raiders, and a Brazilian churrascaria "SAMBA - Brazilian Steakhouse." I took a walk, and enjoied the opportunity to take pictures and also let me know about tickets... cost US$ $ 74.00, but there is a little crazy promotion which you buy a ticket for the same price and get FREE PASS for all year! When I go back with my friends to enter the park, I will take this promotion, so my returns will be more frequent! I went back to Hollywood Boulevard, to Hard Rock Cafe, try some contact with my brazilian buddies for maybe meet them to watch UFC together... nothing. It was dark and I decided to walk to Santa Monica Boulevard, where I discovered that the "Number Four" bus, which brings us almost to the beach! It is a bit slow (crosses entire Beverly Hills)... and it was hard to find, at Third Street Promenade, a place showing the UFC! But I could find a Mexican Bar... "Cabo Cantina". I arrived in time to watch the fight between Forrest Griffin and Rich Franklin, which I found very boring (too much ground & pound), with Griffin's victory. For Silva vs. Belfort fight, I decided to go outside the bar, watching from the street... without crowd and better angle of vision for the multiple (maybe 10) TVs. 3 minutes of the fight... and nothing. Then, only one kick (learned from Steven Seagal??) and KNOCKOUT! Like a movie! After that, within minutes, the bar emptied. And I went to 4th Street, where I discovered the bus number 3 of the "Big Blue Bus" (I told you that every time I meet a new bus company here in LA... It confuses me a lot!) I got the 232 from LAX and made a strategic stop @ Mickie Finzz, where I asked the waitress for one of the posters they had... AND DID IT! OFFICIAL souvenir of the event! Thank you, guys and now I´m going to sleep ... after all, tomorrow is the day for SUPER BOWL!
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