...não é coisa fácil depois de um final de semana em Vegas.
Mas espere aí... eu falei em "ROTINA"? Maldita palavra... surgiu na minha mente com tanta naturalidade...
...pois é, aqui em Redondo Beach, após 4 semanas (só?), aos poucos a "schedule" da escola vai criando uma disciplina de horários que nos dá essa impressão de rotina, mas que só se aplica aos estudos! Por exemplo... toda segunda-feira é dia de PROVA! Há os exames simples, de cada "unit" (cada "level" tem 8 "units"), e exames periódicos na metade do curso (agrupando assuntos das 4 primeiras "units") e ao final do curso (todas as 8 "units", ou seja, o "level" inteiro). Pelo menos é o que parece ser! E nesta segunda-feira aconteceu o primeiro exame mais importante, das 4 primeiras unidades, metade do nível todo. Por isso, após uma viagem de volta bem mais tranquila que a de ida (aliás, onde tivemos a grande descoberta de que NÃO EXISTE PEDÁGIO entre LA e Vegas, e a estrada é de primeira! APRENDAM, tucanada...), com pouco trânsito (e um só tanque do Mustang... não é que o nosso amigo rende bem??) e excelente companhia (praticamente todo aquele texto que levei 3 dias pra postar foi escrito no carro, em meio a conversas de viajantes), resolvi somente deixar as malas em casa, jantar, tomar um banho e ir pra EF Residence. Seria bom passar a noite estudando até o sono bater, e acordar ao lado da escola, sem risco de atrasos ou acidentes ciclísticos... condições ideais para se fazer uma boa prova. E foi o que aconteceu! "I´m proud to report that..." tirei 94/100!!!

Já hoje foi o dia da nostalgia. Depois do almoço e da aula da tarde, descobri a "Fry´s Electronics" (uma loja que consegue ser ainda mais barata que a Best Buy) e voltei logo correndo pra escola, pois rolou sessão de "Curtindo a Vida Adoidado" no lounge! Demais... esse filme realmente marcou uma geração... é um clássico! A gente assiste hoje em dia e continua atual! Fora a energia boa que passa pra gente... como a gente pode fazer tanta coisa em um só dia... e é um dos poucos filmes cujos créditos finais são assistidos (o "epílogo" com o School Bus é divertidíssimo!), até que o Ferris Bueller manda desligar... rs... e confesso que não lembrava que Charlie Sheen havia participado do filme! Sei que é irônico, mas seu papel de drogado na delegacia parece (20 anos atrás) parece se repetir esporadicamente na vida real. Pois bem, do filme pra residência, de lá pro Mickie Finnz... a galera empolgou no karaoke e agora vai toda semana. Curti um pouquim lá e depois vim pra casa. Vou dormir pois é 1:30 da manhã... fui!
Try to return to routine is not easy after a weekend in Vegas. But wait ... I talked about "ROUTINE"? Damn word ... came to my mind so naturally ... Here in Redondo Beach, after 4 weeks (only?), gradually the schedule of school creates a discipline that gives the impression of routine, but it applies only to studies! For example ... Every Monday is a day of TEST! There are simple tests of each "unit" (each "level" has eight "units"), and periodic tests on the middle of the course (grouping subjects of the first 4 "units") and the end of the course (all 8 "units "ie, the" level "integer). At least that's what it seems! And on Monday came the most important exam first, about the first 4 units, half of the whole level. Therefore, after a return trip very calm, with little traffic and good company, I decided only to leave my bags at home, have a dinner, take a shower and go to EF Residence. It would be nice to spend the night studying until I sleep, and waking up next to the school without the risk of delays or bicycle accidents... ideal conditions for doing a good test. And it happened! "I'm proud to report that ..." I got 94/100! The result came out yesterday, the same day that we had a replay of "Subway @ the Lounge". And if the subject is "routine", slowly it´s coming for the meals (which is good, healthy), after all, I discovered that (just do not know until when) every Tuesday and Friday from now on will be the day of "Subway + soda for US$ 3,50 (cheap food, good and vegetarian). And occasional meals of pizza with Bo on Wednesday (today, for example) and Dollar Dogs on Thursday (tomorrow already confirmed). Tese mMeals are quick, inexpensive, and satisfying, and we all get together (it happens here in the lounge). So every Monday, without exception will be day to try new discoveries vegetarian. On other days, it depends on how I'm feeling about the routine. Today, for example, the old bipolarity "cheese / pepperoni" was broken and we had the option of tasting "vegetarian". Beautiful in the picture! And only... after all, as I said before ... CALIFORNIAN OLIVES HAS NO TASTE! Sorry, but that´s a Fact. Well, yesterday, after class I decided to walk a little more ... by BestBuy I discovered that the price of AX Synth is high (US$ 1.200,00), but the session of CDs / DVDs / Blu-Ray has pretty interesting deals! I left there with a P.U.L.S.E. for US$ 9,99. And the most simple Blu-ray players cost in the range of US$ 100,00. But it was still early ... then I decided to go through the Del Amo before get home ... that mall is HUGE and it deserves a post for him further ahead! I´ve found a shop that has "Disney Store"... and some famous brands, but what really caught my attention, it was a place called "Book Off". Hundreds of offers from books for US$ 1,00, $ 3.00 for CDs and DVDs / Blu-Rays. At the end I bought a double DVD of "Ed Sullivan Show" with four entire programs (more than 4 hours ... including some advertising), all of them with The Beatles! Rarity! A record of the history of television, plus the music. And today was a nostalgic day. After lunch and the afternoon class, I discovered the "Fry's Electronics (a store that can be even cheaper than Best Buy) and came running back to school soon, because they were playing "Ferris Bueller´s Day Off" in the lounge! This movie really marked a generation ... is a classic! We watch today and it remains today! And it has a very good energy... how we can do so much in only one day ... and is one of the few films whose credits are assisted until the end (the "epilogue" with the School Bus is really fun), until Ferris Bueller ask us to leave... lol... and I confess I did not remember that Charlie Sheen had participated in the movie! I know it's ironic, but its role as a drug addict at the police station (20 years ago), so he seems to repeat it sporadically in real life. Well, then I went from the movie to the residence, from there to Mickie Finnz... people liked the karaoke and now goes there every week. I enjoied a little bit there and then came home. It´s 1:30am and I gotta sleep. Bye
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